Today we watched videos, made flashcards, took a few notes, and just generally discusses more about waves.
We learned about interferences today and about the two types of interferences: constructive and destructive. Firstly, what is an interference? Simply put, an interference is the reaction that occurs when more than one wave travels through a medium and an interference can either have a constructive reaction or a destructive one. In a constructive interference, two waves will "hit" each other and the troughs or the crests will be positioned with each other to make a bigger wave/amplitude; though, this only occurs for a moment and one the waves pass by each other they will go back to their original amplitude. This also applies to destructive interferences except with destructive ones the crest and trough of two waves will be super positioned to make the wave's amplitude smaller. When the waves hits the wave will become smaller for a moment before the waves pass by and act as if nothing happened. To find the amplitude of the interference you would add the nets of the waves. Is there a difference to these waves though? Yes! Absolutely! The main difference being that one type will make the amplitude bigger while the other will decrease the amplitude, but also with the constructive interference you can have the troughs and crests positioned and with the destructive can have the trough and crest positioned. A constructive type can only have that and the destructive type can only have that; in fact, the troughs and crests define which interference it is!
Moving along, just as waves have interferences our daily life also has interferences! Some we may enjoy or not, it depends. This first example I like and partially dislike, when my mom comes into my room to talk that is an interference as usually I am always doing something like homework or chores. Technically this would be a destructive interference because it reduces my progress as I usually talk to my mom for a while and I like it because I don't get to spend enough time with my family but I also slightly dislike it because sometimes I get less done or feel demotivated after because I lost track of what I was doing. A constructive interference would be the bridge opening up near my house because more and more cars would be waiting due to the interference of the bridge. Can't say any one enjoys this one, but hey, it is "constructive" in a sense.
Bye guys! Happy early Good Friday! :D
(Because Obama)
Plus, a Japanese UTAU singing this song called "iNERTia" :
Good job! 3/3