Monday, September 22, 2014

Distracted Driving

Physics homework for 9/22/14: 
  • Create a blog post titled "Distracted Driving." In it, explain why you think that distracted driving is bad and describe a time when you were in a car and someone was distracted. What were they distracted by? Did you even notice at the time? How do you feel about it?  
  • If you've never been in that situation, then describe what you are most worried you do when you become a driver. Why does it worry you?

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

Distracted Driving Problems
Distracted driving is definitely not a good thing, many people are told this and taught this. People are told of the types of distracted driving and given many details on what happens, but not why it is bad and not exactly what to do. We are told not to text and drive or drink and drive and it gets so cliched that people forget why it is so bad and that people do not care and think it is fine to get away with a few instances of drunk driving and texting at stop signs. Let us illustrate exactly why distracted driving is bad; but before we do that, what exactly is distracted driving?

Distracted driving is pretty straight forward; it is when you are driving and you are distracted by something else, like say messages from texting or say multitasking and doing something else while driving like doing your makeup in the mirror. Basically, it is driving while being engaged in another activity or in other activities. If you are under the influence while driving distracted it is even worse and more dangerous for you and those around you. 

This driving is bad firstly because it slows your reaction time and can actually deplete your focus and overall response time after a while. While you are say, texting, and driving you might not notice something on the road and so you react slower than you would if you were paying attention to the road. And if your texting and driving habits begin to become a huge habit it is hard to break out of it and soon enough you might actually have a hard time focusing and responding even if you were not texting and driving! That might actually be unhealthy and unhelpful on top of unsafe. It can affect more than just your reactions to driving but to other things which can lead to unfortunate situations for you even when you are not driving. 

Secondly, while texting and driving you can really only do so much, it limits what you can and cannot do and thus in turn it is easier to get into trouble. If it is harder to do certain things you might forget to use some things in your car and that could turn into problems fast as you would only really pay attention to what you could do. While driving, it is important to stay alert. You never know when you might need to use a specific control in your car even if you do not use it often. And you might accidentally make some mistakes due to your distractions.

Also, while you might get the hang of texting whilst driving after a while it still does not change the fact that it can cause problems and that it can ruin your reaction time. Even if you are good at multitasking it is better to play it safe and not put others into great peril all due to your carelessness, as harsh as it sounds, it just is unfair. It is not worth getting the hang of if you almost get into trouble the first few times. Besides, is it REALLY that much of an emergency to text someone while you are driving. At least try and be more responsible about it by pulling over or something. That might sound weird, but at least it is safe and at least it can save lives. Any ways, how badly do you really need to send that "LOL" or something? If the text is worth a reply like a text about a family trouble then again pulling over is a good idea, not continuing on your way and texting at the same time. 

To add on, it is a bad influence on others as it can cause others to want to text and drive. Some might begin to think it is okay. It might not seem like many people at first, but the people build up over time infinitesimally. Accident rates begin to go up and it is hell all around. Plus, it can make people shirk responsibility.

Finally, distracted driving is also bad because you could hurt people or even kill them due to it and it could get you into trouble whether you hurt someone or not. Is that one text really worth a life? All the police trouble you might get into? If you cannot react fast enough in a situation, it can cost a life. Your own life or someone else's life. All because of something that was in your control, all because of something that could have waited. Car accidents happen a lot, but not all accidents happen for the same reason. Some happen due to things that you cannot control like weather or an out of control vehicle about to crash into you, but you can take the power in your hands to prevent accidents from happening. Driving is a very serious thing, if you do not take it seriously it will really back fire and cause harm. It might not seem that bad, but try and find out more on the topic and you will see it is quite the opposite. In reality, it could be like you driving with your eyes closed at 55 MPH 200 yards or so; and I think we can all agree that that is NOT safe, whether you like texting while driving or not. 

Distracted Driving in my Own Life 
One time in my life where I have been in a car and someone was distracted was when my mom first started driving. My mom drove well and did her best, but like all drivers she had her fair share of problems. 

Though, one day my mom was driving my brother and I to a sort of plaza and she dropped some money or something like that at a traffic light. We were at a red light and there were so many cars moving by slowly that she picked the stuff up. But she pressed on one of her pedals accidentally or something along those lines as a result of it and our car bumped into the car in front of us. I definitely noticed what had happened and felt quite worried at first, but then relieved hearing my mom explaining her mistake and how we should avoid it and stuff when we become drivers. I still was a bit worried that we would get into more problems like that, but I knew my mom was responsible and she still is so I felt that she would do her best to drive safely no matter what.

I know I have been in some moments where the driver of the car was distracted and I cannot remember many of those moments, but even so I will answer the other two questions. 

I do not like worrying at all, I want to be collected and confident in a humble manner. But I am worried that I will accidentally make some mistakes even though I know better. Like accidentally answering my phone and talking while driving even though I do not want to do that. I am hoping I will be really intent and precise with my driving. I just want to do my best and follow all regulations. This all worries me because it can have a huge ripple effect. I could hurt people if I do not drive responsibly and I could influence people in the wrong way. I also do not want to make my mistakes while driving because on my own at least it will not have a huge harmful effect, but if I make the mistakes while I am driving it might not end so well. But I will do my best, and I am sure as long as I care enough and try enough about it all I will find my way and do well. 

In conclusion, if you don't put your phone away, Ms.Reid will drive up in front of you and REALLY get your reaction time bumped up to snuff! Pfft. Kidding. But seriously, distracted driving as well as drunk driving is a huge issue. Please think about the consequences and what not more, it could save LIVES. You do not want to end up getting someone hurt or even dead, it can really be hard to live with and it is just not a good thing.

--Buonanotte, buenas noches, and good night. Remember to drive safely no matter where you are and just in general no matter what.