Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Elastic vs. Inelastic

Physics homework for 5/12/15:


          Today we took some notes on elastic and inelastic collisions and afterwards we did a lab involving smashing toy carts into each other because science YO :D.

Wait, wait...What the hell's an elastic and an inelastic collision though? Well, time to get the ol' science vocabulary out...

An elastic collision is when two items "bounce" off each other when they collide and an inelastic collision is when two items stick together when they collide. The main difference between  an elastic and an inelastic condition is what happens as the items collide. Either the items "bounce" off or either they stick together and the items either bounce or stick depending on momentum and a variety of other factors.

One time I saw an elastic collision when I was playing at a pool table. What happened was when I used the pool stick to hit the white ball with the stub of the pool stick, the ball did NOT stick together with the stick as they collided. Instead of sticking, the ball rolled away from the stick after they collided and the ball usually rolls away pretty fast until it hits the other balls. Even more elastic collisions occur as soon as the white ball hits the other balls and all of the other balls roll off in different directions.

I have also seen an inelastic collision when I collide with my bureau to move it. I usually run into it so that it will move a bit and instead of bouncing off, both the bureau and I stick together and slide one way. I have also had to move these huge blocks during gym class and I would usually run into them to move them and as soon as the block and I collided we stuck together and move forward!--So inspirational *tear*...

Have a good day everybody! :3