New Light
Today we learned about circuits and we did a little lab involving steel wool, a light bulb, and a generator.
Imagine a world where no wires are needed to help electricity flow - for a logical reason or not - and where technology would still work without the wires letting the electricity flow. This world sounds like quite an efficient one as less material for wires is needed and as we could help generate electricity faster because we do not need to focus on the wire part of it all. I would name this world "Wireless Connection" (HAHAHAHA--*SHOT*). The reason why is because electricity can sort of "connect" and interact plus help technology function without any wires.
One cool thing you could do with electricity that can function without wires is you can possibly harness tons of energy on your own and discharge it into whatever you need to power up. And it would power up which sounds cool! It's like you'd have super powers~. Or maybe you wouldn't need to manually turn on things to make items work. You could also maybe float if you're oppositely charged to a certain part of the ground? Maybe you could also just light a light bulb up by simply moving around as the electrons from me and the surrounding area would just go to various items like the light bulb, making them work.
One bad thing that could occur is people could get lightning shot at them or explosions could occur and/or fires. The reason why is because the wind could blow ions into your hair or something, charging it and thus making it static, and too much build up could cause sparks or it could cause huge fires/explosions. Lightning also will strike you if your hair is positively charged as it will be attracted to your hair and as it will want to find something to discharge into (it may go to a metal, but not always). Plus, too much build up in general can cause overheating and then a fire and it'd be much easier for that to happen a lot. A crazy thing that could happen is various light shows and sparks since the electricity can easily hit more metal and can easily light a lot up more at a variety of times. All of those charges would flow to certain objects and create sparks because of the discharge/current or the objects would light up because they'd be receiving electricity that can convert into heat and light energy whilst also powering something up.
Good night! :DD